Thursday, April 12, 2012


An unknown object in the outer space started gulping the spacecrafts. Tension increased between the US and the USSR. UK was more concerned about it, because a war between US and USSR would have started another World War. The spy of UK was enjoying with a Chinese girl in Hongkong. That Chinese girl was very tasty like a Peking duck. As per the newspaper headlines, the Naval Commander was murdered. The so-called dead body got recovered by two divers to board it on a submarine. Penny said, ‘I Love you’.

In Tokyo, the sumo fight began. After hearing, ‘I Love you’ from him, she gave him a lift in her car. Mr. Henderson spent around 28 years in Japan but still he liked Russian Vodka. Before he could finish saying all the secrets, somebody stabbed at his back with a knife. He got some important photos from the office of Osito Chemicals. While running after the girl, he fell down to enter the den of Mr. Tanaka. It was Ning-Po in that photo. They decided to track that ship.

In Japan, men come first and then women, but, the act of slavery by the Japanese girls are of so high-standard that you will like all the Japanese girls to enjoy themselves with you in your bed. Mr. Fisher of Empire Chemicals met Mr.Osito and Miss Grant. Mr. Fisher and Aki went to Kobe dock from where the Ning-Po will start its journey towards Shanghai. The ship used to carry Liquid Oxygen to Ama Island. Tiger took him to the Ninja training center to give him proper training. Number 11 killed Mr. Fisher? Little Nellie arrived in Japan. 

It was looking like an inactive volcanic area with a big crater in the middle of the dried magma hills. The helicopters chased him, but, Little Nellie was very powerful in terms of hi-fi modern technologies. This time, a Russian spacecraft got gulped by an unknown object in the outer space. Both US and USSR became furious on each other. Tanaka planned to install all his men in and around the Ama Island. Aki got poisoned by a special Japanese string. In Japan, after marriage, a man has to live in the house of his wife.

As per the Japanese rituals, he got married to a Japanese girl of that Ama Island. In the Ryuzuki Island near the mainland, a fisher-woman died. They explored inside the cave to find out that it was Phosgene gas to keep strangers away from that place. Number 11 got eaten by a Piranha fish. Americans decided to launch their spacecraft with a condition that if their spacecraft gets gulped this time, then they would go for a war against USSR. They kept their honeymoon on the hill on hold to find out the exact nature of that crater. 

The girl was instructed to come back with Tiger and his modern Ninjas. The astronauts got non-financial bailout from the prison. The bald-headed man with the fatty white pussy cat on his hand called upon the reserved astronaut. The culprit thought that he was impregnable, though he was not. The artificial demon got destroyed in the outer space. US called back all the fleet of drones and air-fighter planes. No war started between US and USSR. Both UK and Japan felt relieved. 

The artificial volcanic eruptions took place at that island. Tanaka and his men managed to come out of that place through that secret tunnel. They resumed their honeymoon on the life-boat, though, the submarine got them. Penny was happy to see her colleague alive and back again, though with another girl. Why the staffs of the Secret Investigating and Intelligence Agency of the United Kingdom sometimes used to appraise him by saying, “YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE.”?

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