Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Many years ago, Joe got married to Betty and started doing the fish business. Betty always disliked the fish store and the smell of those fishes, but, after all, they had to earn their bread and butter by doing that business only. Nick came in like a stranger and Betty recruited him as a delivery boy of their business.

After some days, Nick and Joe became good friends. Joe got an offer to sell that store for lump sum money to get settled elsewhere. Joe was not willing to accept that offer, but, Betty took control of Nick to utilize him to brainwash Joe. Danny, the one and only one son of Joe and Betty was a TV Anchor.

When Danny came to stay at his parent’s house with his wife, Amy and son, Peter, he saw Nick. Danny became jealous on Nick because he was becoming like a second son of that house. One day, Amy wanted some help from Nick to bath Peter. Danny saw them and started doubting on Amy.

After a week, Amy met Nick. Amy wanted to get rid of Danny because Danny used to beat and abuse her and he doubted that Amy had an extra-marital affair with Nick. Amy’s parents were no more. So, she had no other place to go, but, Danny would kill him. Nick sent Amy and Peter to a safe place by giving Amy some money.

Danny called up his dad and told everything. The tussle began between Joe and Nick. When Joe told Nick to get out of there, his wife, Betty confessed that she is having an extra-marital affair with Nick. She could not live without him. Was Betty lucky enough to live with Nick? Some relationships are fabulous till they get “CAUGHT”.

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