Tuesday, April 17, 2012


On that day, Will Colson got the duty to work with Frank Barnes on the Train No. 1206 in Southern Pennsylvania. Mr. Galvin had already given a 90 day notice to Mr. Barnes. When an employee reaches nearer to his retirement date, the top management tries to get rid of those old fellows by Voluntary Retirement System or by other means to fill that gap with a newly recruited and more efficient young employee. But, one must not forget that experience always counts when there is any trouble.

The two engineers forgot to fix up the air-brakes in an unmanned goods train which was carrying molten phenol, a deadly fuel. The train was running at a speed of 75 miles per hour from Northern Pennsylvania to Southern Pennsylvania. Ned got the call from Connie about a case of coaster. Ned reached the site, but, was unable to find the train. The train which was carrying the school children luckily escaped from a major collision. Barnes and Will started their journey from the Zinc factory towards Northern Pennsylvania.

Connie Hooper wanted to derail the Train No. 777 in the farmlands between Central Pennsylvania and Southern Pennsylvania.  Mr. Galvin was not in a mood to destroy the coaches of the train to experience losses for the Railways. The Chopper was tracking the train.  Judd Stewart, one of the efficient and experienced engineers of the Railways started to slow down the speed of the train by driving a rail engine in front of that train. The man who tried to land on the train from the chopper was severely injured. Judd Stewart died in the rescue act.

The News Channels were covering the incident live and exclusive. The Train No. 1206 got the alert of a coaster. People of all the towns staying nearer the railway tracks were evacuated as the train was carrying fuels. It was like a running missile on the tracks heading towards the Stanton town.  Barnes was ready to take the risk without bothering about the 90 days notice given by the top management. Work is worship and he loved his job. After some hesitations, ifs and buts, Mr. Galvin gave the green signal to him after consulting with Hooper.

Colson tried to link the Train No. 777 with the Train No. 1206, but, it was not an easy task as the last bogie of the Train No. 777 was carrying grains. In that linking process, Will got injured at his right leg. Now, it was turn for Mr. Colson to walk on the roofs of the bogies to take control of the manual brakes. Before entering the town of Stanton, there was a 15 meter curve, where they badly needed to slow down the speed. Why Connie kissed that black man, the father of two teen daughters? Were they able to stop the train which was “UNSTOPPABLE”?

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