Tuesday, April 17, 2012


God created human beings out of curiosity, but, later, God discovered that the humans are the only species in this Universe who are always curious about everything. From Papua New Guinea, the National Geographic Channel Team headed towards the Mother of all Caves in this world. 

Frank and his team were at the Forward Base inside the cave. Frank and one of his teammates went to explore further down. The girl died as she was inexperienced about diving and tired too. Josh became very angry by seeing his father’s cruelty.

Both Frank and Carl were very excited about that St.Jude’s Cathedral and the air bell above it. They have come here to explore the route to the sea through this cave. The storm turned into a cyclone. They had to move from their present location.  Luke injured himself badly while trying to save others.

Warriors and adventurers have one psychology in common. They don’t want to live like defeated souls. If they are defeated or injured, they want to die rather than bearing the pain for the whole lifetime. Inside that cave, there was no hospital. So, Frank had to perform natural Euthanasia on Luke as all his bones got broken.

The more you go deeper inside the cave, the temperature falls. So, Frank requested Victoria to wear the warm jacket of the dead body. Victoria disobeyed him. They kept on moving, till they reached a place, where there was a hot water spring and it was behaving like a meat grinder.

Josh was the best climber in that group. He found a new path to get out of there by climbing towards the other end. Victoria’s hair got stuck and she did a blunder by trying to cut off her hair with a knife. Carl became crazy after the death of Victoria because he loved her. 

Carl was missing. Frank and Josh thought that Carl was dead and they kept on moving. They found an ancient Japanese Tanker which used to work like an amphibian. So, it signaled that they have reached nearer to the sea. They rested that night there, but, Josh smelled the excreta of a bat. Was it really so?

After climbing through that steep cliff, they reached the sacred sunless sea. Oh! Carl was still alive and he attacked Frank. Were they able to explore the secret path from the deepest cave on earth to the sea? To experience the climbing, swimming and diving inside a deadly cave, you have to watch the film, “SANCTUM”.

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