Sunday, April 15, 2012


Breaking News! The murderer fled from the prison. The dementors started searching for that criminal almost everywhere. The problem is not with the dog. Actually, if the bitch has some problem, then there are several problems with the pup. After passing a comment, the matured woman started flying high in the sky like a gas balloon. He was not supposed to perform wizardry outside the school of Hogwarts, though, he was lucky enough not to get arrested by the Ministry of Magic. Out of anger and frustration towards his uncle and aunt, he left the house. He saw the Grim behind the bushes. The Double-Decker Bus came at the Bus Stand to take him off. What a ride it was! The Double Decker Bus was speeding through the streets of London. Mr. Weasley requested Mr. Potter to take care of himself. The Book of Monsters was itself a little monster. 

They boarded the train. The train was halted on the bridge and after seeing some deadly black creatures, Harry fainted. It was the other passenger in that compartment who saved their life. The new academic session started at the Hogwarts School. The Fat Woman always used to yell in the name of singing a song before letting the students into their respective dormitories. Everyone in the School of Hogwarts welcomed Professor Lupin, the newly recruited professor to teach the students about the wizardry against the Dark Powers of Universe. Hagrid introduced a hippogriff to the students. Mr.Potter did well in the class assignment to bring Buckbeak under his control. The hippogriff took him for a flying ride. Draco was jealous on Harry. Unless you bow down in front of a hippogriff, they will never respect you. Draco complained about Buckbeak to Mr.Malfoy. Mr. Malfoy requested the school authority to sentence the hippogriff to death for its rough behavior towards the students. Mr. Potter fell down during the game as the dementors broke his broom stick. Dumbledore saved Harry by saying. ‘Arresto Momentum’ (Arrest the momentum). 

The sign inside the cup predicted about the Grim (A black colored deadly wolf). Professor Snape was surprised to see Hermione knowing everything about the Grim and the Werewolf (Half Wolf and Half Man; i.e. a Wolf-Man). Long time back, James and Lily married each other and gave birth to a little baby boy. James, Lupin, Snape, Sirius and Peter were good friends. One of the friends of James betrayed with him to kill him. Everyone pointed fingers at Mr.Black at that time. Was Peter still alive? Harry’s uncle did not sign on the paper to give him the permission to visit the village of Hogsmeade. Harry used his dad’s cloak to remain invisible and visited the Hogsmeade village to find out the secrets. In the school of Hogwarts, there were seven secret passageways. His friends found a secret diary which used to work as a map to tell you the exact location of each person inside the school of Hogwarts at anytime. The password of that secret diary was ‘Mischief Managed’. It was Mirauder’s Map.

Lupin took that Mirauder’s Map from Harry after some heated conversations with Professor Snape. The map never used to lie. So, it proved that Mr. Pettigrew was still alive. The dementor performed the final sentencing of the Buckbeak to death. The Fat Woman warned everyone about the presence of Sirius inside the School of Hogwarts. The crystal ball already confirmed that they were bound to face a werewolf. The pet rat of Ronald started running towards that dangerous tree. The real drama began thereafter. The Killer of James was still alive and lived as a small animal for 13 years. The moon came out in the sky. The werewolf and the grim started fighting with each other. After a while, the dementors started fainting Mr. Black and Mr.Potter. As per Harry, his father James saved him in the form of a lightning reindeer. Professor Dumbledore realized that a severe mistake had been committed. Hermione utilized the ‘Time Turner’ locket, which was given to her in the first term by Professor McGonagall. Were they able to rectify their mistakes after going back to that same time which already passed? Was Harry able to see his father this time? Was the Godfather of Mr.Potter able to prove his innocence? To know the answer of these questions, you have to visit the world of wizardry by watching the film, “HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN.”

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