Saturday, April 14, 2012


Hi, I am Robert, the financier of this project. Can you complete the construction of rail road there within 5 months? Of course, yes. I have completed all the rail road construction in India, very successfully. I need to complete within 3 months, as my wife is pregnant. I always dreamt to visit Africa once, and I will surely go there and complete the project. Wish you best of luck, Mr. Patterson. 

Welcome to Africa, Sir, I am Starling. Are you here for the first time? We will go for a safari, on that train. Wow, fascinating safari, these are animals, which sleeps only for 5 minutes a day. Meet this man, his name is Samuel. Are the labors working in a very efficient manner? What is the name of this river? This is Tsavo River, and a bridge has to be constructed to make the rail line through that jungle. 

Well, Mr. Patterson, I am Dr. Hawthome. I think you have bought some bad luck with you. I will sort it out this evening. Hurrah! That animal is dead, in a single shot. Is it so? Then who took that man from the tent. Are you sure that it is that animal. They do not keep the bones of a human after killing it. What is the matter? Mr. Abdullah, you are the labor union head over here. Why are the labors not willing to work? Within 2 days, 2 lives gone, and that is the basic reason. 

We will go for proper fencing? But, you cannot see them through those long bushes. Hey, Patterson, there is a letter for you, maybe, from your wife. My wife wants to come here, after becoming a mother. What is that sound? Take the position. My goodness, they are two in number. Net result, Starling went to heaven. Robert is asking about what happened to Mr. Starling. Labors started going back home. 

Hello, Mr. Patterson, Robert has sent me here to do my job. I hope that you will not interfere in it. Till now, they have killed 135 people. This is the Maasai tribes, who are expert in hunting. Let me eat the blood of the buffalo. Take this gun, and give that to me. The operation started. Oh my god! Why have you exchanged your gun? It works in different mechanism, which is why; it got locked. Never do that silly thing in future. 

Maasai tribes regarded those as supernatural animals. They went back. Can we build a trap? The trap will be full of blood, buffalo meats and wounded baboon. The blood will attract them. Wait, they have come. Let me go there, it is my new hospital. They are killing everybody. At least, we have killed one of them. Let us have some hard drinks tonight. 

It was written in the letter that my wife will come with our little child, but what am I dreaming? That animal has attacked her. Oh! No, it was just a bad dream, but the reality was worst. Where is Charles? There lies the dead body. Burn the bushes, and let that animal come to fight with us.

The bridge is half-broken, and that animal is in front of Patterson. Just run. But, the surprising thing is that it can also climb a tree. The word ‘Tsavo’ means slaughter. Someone fell from the tree and fired bullets. It’s a pleasure to see Mrs. Patterson with her baby in hand. 

Abdullah and his team came back again. Samuel confirmed that they have been kept in the museum, but still you will get scared if you look at their eyes. We don’t know, who the ghost is and what is the darkness, as per the Kenyan people, but, Val Kilmer, Michael Douglas, John Kani, Bernard Hill, Om Puri, Brian McCardie and others have literally proved that “THE GHOST AND THE DARKNESS” still exists in the Tsavo River of Africa.

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