Saturday, April 14, 2012


In a small village of African continent, a poor fisherman Solomon had a dream that his son Dia will one day become a doctor. But that land had the diamond mines. The Revolutionary United Front (RUF)used to sell those diamonds to a company ‘Van De Kaap’ and used the funds to buy weapons to rebel against the government.  

Well, the RUF shattered Solomon’s family. He was taken as a labor. But, this fisherman is an intelligent one, to hide the diamond piece. Inside the prison, the captain shouted about that diamond. In that jail, there was another man, whose name was Danny Archer, who was caught trying to smuggle the diamonds across the Libyan border, with the help of a sheep.

Where is Dia? Well, he is getting trained and brain-washed as a captain of RUF. Colonel Coetzee is a greedy person, at least for that big diamond. Danny met a journalist Maddy Bowen. Maddy is a socialist with the humanitarian touch. On the other hand, Danny was utilizing Solomon to steal that hidden diamond. These three people were in a sandwiched situation, where both the RUF and Government soldiers were fighting with each other like deadly warriors.

Desperate to get Dia. hmm…there was some chemistry between Danny and Maddy. But, Danny and Solomon started the trekking towards that destination, where the diamond was kept hidden. The helicopter reached on time, to rescue them. How to convince this brain-washed Dia, that he is my good son, who will become a Doctor one day?

Who killed Colonel Coetzee? Why Maddy is crying, when Danny called her through his mobile phone? Solomon wants his family back in return to what? Which is more precious in life? Is it blood or diamond or the true magazine coverage with the title “BLOOD DIAMOND” of Edward Zwick, featuring Leonardo Di Caprio, Jennifer Connelly, Djimon Hounsou and others? Always buy the conflict-free diamond and preserve the natural resources of your country. Can you guarantee me that Maoists of India are not creating child rebel soldiers like the RUFs of Africa?

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