Saturday, April 14, 2012


Sitting on a bench of a bus stand, that man started to tell a real story. A little boy was unable to walk, but his momma always inspired him with some explanations. His father went on a vacation and never came back. It is the time to go to school. No one offered him a seat inside the school bus, except that sweet girl, who had a lovely voice. They soon became sweet friends. But, there were some hooligans who used to chase that boy and one day, a miracle happened. The boy started running fast. 

The speed of his running gave him the chance to play rugby. US President was shot dead, for his idea of allowing Negroes to go to school with the Whites. That man got the college degree, but after that he got a call in the US Army. There he made friendship with Benjamin Bourbon. Bourbon always had a dream to become a captain of a Shrimp-boat, as his mother knows how to cook any dishes on shrimps. But, where is Jenny? Well, she was in a controversy for her illegal photos with a guy. She was thrown out of the school. Now, she sings at a pub. She wants to fly like a bird. In her childhood, she used to pray to god to make her fly like a bird, to escape from her cruel father. 

That young man is now in Vietnam as a part of US military force. There he met another person, whose ancestors have always died in the battlefield, and he also believes that it is also written in his destiny. His name is Lieutenant Dane Taylor. For one month, it was raining in Vietnam forests, but when there was sunshine, there were bullets everywhere. Bourbon died in the battlefield, but Dane lost his legs. He cried as this man changed his destiny, but promised to be his first mate, if he becomes the captain of a shrimp boat.

Your focus should always remain on this ping-pong ball. Suddenly, this young man started playing table tennis, and believe me, he became the champion in China, as a player of American table tennis team. President Kennedy liked this man. But, for some unknown reasons, the Kennedy brothers were shot dead, by some assassins. The army man got his discharge letter, and he came back to his momma’s house. Then he started the shrimp boat, as he promised to his friend Bourbon. Dane also joined him and enjoyed the life. One day, the storm showed them the way, to chase the shrimps. Very soon, their shrimp company became famous. But, is Jenny happy?

I am not a smart guy, but I know what love is. His mother died of cancer. Jennie confirmed her love on that night, but then why that woman left him. This man started running again and crossed the Mississippi river borders too, without any unknown reasons. The bearded man became famous. After many years, Jenny wants to meet him. Jenny proved that she is his girl only, after all; the child is named after his father’s name. She had a virus in her body and died. The little kid went back to school, leaving his daddy alone in the Alabama countryside. Dane Taylor got a magic stick and his fiancĂ©. Life of a human is like a feather and time is like the wind. The wind will tell the feather how to move around in the air, and so is your life. No, no, boss, I was not talking about the forest of Vietnam, but about the “FORREST GUMP”, acted by Tom Hanks and directed by Robert Zemeckics.

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