Saturday, April 28, 2012

BEAN !!!

Once upon a time in USA, a painter painted a portrait of his mother. That famous painting, ‘Whistler’s Mother’ became one of the best paintings of USA. The British people bought that painting and kept it in the Royal National Museum of England. USA was feeling jealous that one of their best paintings was with the English people. Finally, a person from USA bought that painting, ‘Whistler’s Mother’ with the highest auction price from the Royal National Museum of England. The owner of the No.1 Museum of USA was very excited and thrilled that the painting, ‘Whistler’s Mother’ was to be kept in his museum.

The Board Members and the other dignified personnel of the Royal National Museum were fed up with an employee who was lazy and a regular late-comer. The Members of the Board decided to fire that employee but could not succeed in it, because the Chairman of the Board always liked that lazy employee. The Museum of USA sent a letter to the Royal National Museum of England by stating that they want a top-class researcher or professor on painting of England to come in USA to stay for three months and then give a brief lecture on the painting, ‘Whistler’s Mother’. Indeed, they sent a special person to USA for a sabbatical period of 3 months.

Mr. Langley spent his entire life in Arts and Sculpture. He was very excited to meet one of the best people of the Royal National Museum of England. Oho! Why that old man felt so uncomfortable inside that plane! Someone started running inside the airport of USA. The Security Guard of USA took position to arrest that person. The cops were stunned to see such a weird fool. The tap of that water basin was not a standard one for Dr.Bean. Dr.Bean kept on trying to soak a very important portion of his pant. The Mr. Langley decided to keep the professor of painting in his own house. The wife and children of Mr. Langley left that house. 

Mr. Langley and Dr.Bean went to enjoy at a multiplex. Oh! What a scary ride it was! The cops were fed up of Dr.Bean. Was Dr.Bean an eccentric person! The original painting arrived in the Museum of USA. Dr.Bean was ordered to observe the painting. Dr.Bean observed the painting, ‘Whistler’s Mother’ so well, that the mother’s face vanished from the frame. Oh! No! Mr. Langley was in tension of losing his job because of that beheaded portrait of Whistler’s Mother. The younger son of Mr. Langley was watching the posters of naked Cindy Crawford. Suddenly, Dr.Bean got an idea. On that night, Dr.Bean used chewing gums and eggs to paste it.

On that special day, Mr. Langley was surprised to see the head of Whistler’s Mother in that painting. Dr.Bean gave a brief speech about that painting where he rightly stated that family always matters. Maybe, that’s why; the painter captured the leisurely moments of his mother in the form of a portrait. Everyone was impressed on Dr.Bean after hearing that great speech. Suddenly, the cop gave the news that Jennifer, the elder daughter of Mr. Langley had suffered an accident. Dr.Bean became a doctor now, where he used his hand to take out the bullet from the belly of a patient. Jennifer got well. To enjoy these funny moments, you have to watch Mr. Rowan Atkinson in the English comedy movie, “BEAN”.

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