Saturday, April 14, 2012


A father of a military soldier, who is blind, has just lost his child. But, he has a clock, which runs anti-clockwise. Can you imagine a life, where everything goes backward, rather than moving forward? 
Sometimes, we also imagine, if we could have invented a time machine, then, we could have also rectified our mistakes committed in the past. A boy was born, in the family of a tailor, whose occupation is to make buttons of the Blazers. The title of the boy’s father is Button. His father kept him in a staircase, and went away. But, one woman, really cared about that child, and gave the name “Benjamin”. 

Wow, the boy has taken birth as an old man…hmm…this boy is a spec ial one…no doubt about that…Look at that Father of the Church…he helped Benjamin to stand on its own legs and also to walk, but Jesus called that Father for an appointment. Have you ever seen a sweet girl, with blue eyes, wow, Benjamin, you are surely in love with that lady, but you look so old. Does not matter dear, that girl surely love you. Benjamin got another black friend, who is small in stature. Come on, Benjamin, let us go somewhere. Benjamin, just remember one thing, we all will be lonely for a longer period of time, so adjust your mind in accordance to that. 

Who wants the job in this ship? Well, Benjamin is reluctant to do the job. Yes, the captain of the ship is really a great character to watch, with lots of tattoos in his body. Benjamin, please don’t forget that you are a gentleman, and you need a special gentle care on every weekend from special persons at a special place. Oh, Grandmother, what is so funny about this piano? Grandma says that it is not the music that you play; it is only about the feeling, which you experience while you play the piano. Surely, grandma, you have taught me the essence of this piano, but Jesus has called you also. 

Where are you going Benjamin? Please don’t forget me, dear. Well, Benjamin you are becoming young day-by-day. Wherever you go, you take photographs and post it to your beloved in the form of postcards, with some messages in it. That’s great. Hmm….there is a woman, who tried to swim the English Channel once, but failed, but surely she was able to swim into Benjamin’s life. Benjamin, you have got the first kiss of love, from the wife of a minister. That’s really great. But, where is she tonight? She is not here in this hotel room anymore. Forget it man, the war is on… 

Indeed, it was a fabulous war. That was the war between a ship and a submarine, which was a deadly one. The Captain sailed his ship to collide with that submarine. Hey, Benjamin, are you still alive? Yes, dear, can’t you see the humming bird flying there, after the death of so many people in the war? Now what? Let me start a new life again. Benjamin is young now, looking like a Brad Pitt. That’s great, but, that little girl with blue eyes is now a top-class ballad dancer. Hmm…she is really happy to see you Benjamin. So, the romance continues, right? 

Uff, had there been some actions taken a few seconds earlier, then there would have been no accidents, my friend. But, you cannot change the destiny; it is in the hand of God. The beloved of Benjamin broke her legs. She cannot dance now, but can positively stay with Benjamin. Benjamin, your pregnant girlfriend fell down from the staircase. Will she be able to give birth to your baby child? Yes indeed, the healthy girl child is yours, Benjamin. 

Your father has expired, Benjamin, so you have to sell your own house. Your mother is also dead. Don’t cry boss, that’s life, it has to move on, like that only. Benjamin doesn’t want to become a legal father of his girl child. So, his beloved found a husband. After long years, Benjamin came back again with a much younger look to his beloved, and saw his daughter, who is now a grown-up child. 

See the fun of a reverse cycle. Benjamin is getting younger day-by-day. He has become a little child now, moving here and there, doing mischief. His beloved is taking care of him. One day, Benjamin became a small baby, and just closed his eyes for the last time.
Oh! Mom, there is a Katrina Hurricane approaching, as per the weather news. Maybe, we will be shifted soon, from this hospital. The Diary of “Benjamin Button” ends here. Now what? The old lady looked at the window, and saw a humming bird…Oh Benjamin, I know you have waited long for me in the heaven, don’t worry, I am coming…let me just close my eyes….surely this is “THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON”.

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