Monday, April 9, 2012


As per the Greek mythology; Zeus, Poseidon and Hades came to power by killing their own father ruthlessly. In this world, there are species, who are half humans and half Gods. They are known as demigods as they are kids of the Greek Gods. When a God lives in the Earth, he tends to forget his responsibilities as a God and starts behaving like a human. That’s why; a bill got passed at the Assembly of Olympus in heaven that not a single Greek God will keep any physical connection with their kids, but, mentally, they can, in the time of danger. Hercules and Achilles were the heroes among the demigods.

Mr. Jackson had dyslexia. Was it really so? The substitute English teacher attacked him inside the museum. Mr. Brunner gave him a pen and requested him to look for a self-cover. Grover became his protector. The monster who worked under Hades took his mom away. Welcome to the Half-Blood Training Camp. His protector is a Satyr and the man who gave him the pen is a Centaur, popularly called as Chiron. The son of the God of the messenger and information included him in his Blue Squad. The task was to get the red flag. The daughter of the Greek Goddess of wisdom and battle strategies was his tough competitor. Luckily, the stream of water was nearer to the battleground. His father healed all his wounds as Poseidon is the Greek God of Seas.

Zeus created a very powerful Lightning Bolt, but, someone stole it to become more powerful.  Zeus doubted on Poseidon and gave him the time till 21st June; otherwise, there would be a war. The wars of Greek Gods had always led to severe natural calamities in the Planet Earth. Percy traced that his mom had been kept in the Underground. He along with his friends came out of the camp to start their journey towards the Underground. Luke gave him the flying shoes and a special shield. Zeus forcefully married a woman. That’s why; that woman was not at all happy as his wife and he always used to go for secret dating with strangers. Getting inside the Underworld is very easy but to come of out of there, you need to have pearls.

They were three in number. So, they started their search for three pearls. To fetch the 1st pearl, they faced a tough battle from a woman who was cursed by Goddess Athena long time back. Whoever stared at her eyes became a statue. Percy beheaded her and took that head with them to use it as a weapon. To fetch the 2nd pearl, they fought with the Hydra, the monster. If you cut one head of Hydra, then two heads come up at that place. Moreover, a Hydra’s middle head emits out fire from its mouth like a Dragon. The power of water helped Jackson to tackle it and that beheaded head of that dead woman was a good weapon indeed. Grover was impressed. To fetch the 3rd pearl, they went to Las Vegas. The Lotus flowers let them enjoy five days inside that hotel. Wake up, Percy! Percy and his friends woke up and got out from there with that third pearl. In many places around the world, the natural calamities caused havoc. That was the signal that the Greek Gods were in a mood to start a deadly war with each other.

In the Underground, his uncle Hades found the lightning bolt inside that special Shield, but, his wife tackled the situation well to make him inactive for sometime because she was unhappy with him due to his cruel and abusive nature towards her. They were four in number but had only three pearls. Grover stayed with her to fulfill her hunger.  Before he could enter through the entrance to Olympus, the Lightning Thief stopped him. The son of Hermes wanted to become the ruler of three worlds by becoming more powerful than the other Gods. But, as a demigod, you can only become a Hero, not a God. Was Percy able to maintain peace in the Universe? Was the daughter of Athena successful in getting her beloved one as her life partner? To have more idea about it, you have to enjoy watching “PERCY JACKSON AND THE LIGHTNING THIEF.”

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