Friday, April 20, 2012


They tried to kill him when he was born. Again they tried to kill him when he was 13 years old. Out of fear, he kept on running away from one place to another. He kept himself disconnected from the rest of the world. He had no mobile phones, no email ids and no profiles in any social networking sites. Everyone talks about infusing artificial intelligence in the High level modern super-computers. But, artificial intelligence is not enough. The subject of emotional intelligence has to emerge in the future to let the machines feel that they are also a kind of species in this planet and they cannot destroy this planet. Also, the infusion of emotional intelligence can reduce the degree of superior complexity within the cybernetic organisms towards the human beings. 

The naked lady in Beverly Hills liked that car and snatched it. She was on a mission to kill the persons whose profiles have been entered in her database. The T-x was a much modernized robot which was able to take the cloned form of any human being by touching that human being. There was an emergency at the clinic. Katherine went inside to find a man who took a veterinary medicine. John and Kate studied in the same high school. Kate had her first kissing experience of her life with him only. Why after 10 years, they met again! Was it just a coincidence or destiny? The cybernetic organism was sent back in time to save Mr. Connor. Was John going to get killed in 2032 by that cybernetic organism only?

Sarah Connor’s dead body was not there in the coffin, but, they really appreciated the arms and ammunition inside the coffin. The doctor was under the impression that the hostage was still in her traumatic stage, but, she was telling him the truth that a cybernetic organism is not a human being. The robot admitted the fact that it is an obsolete machine of the future, which may still manage to fight against a hi-fi T-x. The policemen of Los Angeles took the help of Scott to track Katherine, but, that was not the real Scott. The fiance of Miss Brewster was already dead. As per the database of that robot, Miss Brewster’s destiny was to become Mrs. Connor. The mission of the robot was to save the Leader of the Resistance and Katherine.

 The machines with their self-mutated virus warned USA that on the Judgement Day, they would start destroying the human races by using the nuclear bombs and missiles of Pentagon. The name of their program was Skynet. Mr. Brewster was in charge of creating a special defensive system which will deactivate the powers of Skynet, i.e. the application software of virus. After several attacks in and around USA, the Chief Director of Pentagon gave a green signal to Mr. Brewster to install the Skynet Defensive System to secure the planet Earth from those machine attacks. But, the T-x injected a small sub-module of its virus program in the main program of the Skynet Defensive System. All the machines have become self-activated to destroy everything. 

After the attack from the T-x, Mr. Brewster was about to die, but, before dying, he told John and Kate to head towards Crystal Peak in Sierra Nevada to find the source program of Skynet and destroy it. Was it true? The T-x attacked the cybernetic organism. In that fighting process, the T-x injected another small modular program which replaced the ‘PROTECT’ command with ‘KILL’ command in the main executing instruction of the program of that cybernetic organism. When the CPU of a supercomputer understands that it has been affected by a virus or a Trojan Horse to take undue control of it, then it tries to take full administrative control of the main kernel.dll of the operating system to go for self-abort or restart. The robot did just that to regain control of all peripherals.

The magnetic field took special care of T-x, but, the self-controlled virus detached itself from that magnet by using a spinning wheel-blade. Mr. Connor and Miss Brewster came to Crystal Peak to find a gate. They entered two passwords in the terminal to open that gate. The robot fought against the T-x to let those two human beings go inside that door. There was no source program of Skynet. The cybernetic organism and Mr. Brewster knew beforehand that the program of self-mutated virus cannot be destroyed completely but can only be defended for some times. Kate and John were sent to that place to survive only. The war of virus and anti-virus never ends as both are complimentary to each other. To have more idea about it, you may watch the film, “TERMINATOR 3- RISE OF THE MACIHNES.”

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