Monday, April 30, 2012


Albus Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were waiting for Habeus Hagrid. They kept that little child with the scar on its forehead in front of that house. Dudley’s father became fed up of tearing those letters from the Hogwarts School of Wizardry. The Owls were the excellent postmasters. They never stopped giving the letters till it got read by the real recipient. Hagrid gave the birthday cake to the 11 year old boy. Before going to school, everyone has to buy new uniforms, books and other accessories. Before dying, James and Lily had kept some Gold Coins inside the vault for their son. The magical wand of Lord Voldemort chose the wizard. The Platform No. 9.75 was inside the wall between Platform No. 9 and Platform No. 10. Inside the Hogwarts Express train, Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter became good friends. What was there inside the Vault No. 713? What was a Fluffy? Can you tame a three-headed dog by playing music?

The Hogwarts School had four houses based on the name of four founders of the school. The Houses were: - Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. The Black Hat used to select the Houses for First Year Students of the School. Neville Longbottom, Harry, Ron and Miss Granger joined the Gryffindor House. Draco Malfoy joined the Slytherin House. Dumbledore warned all the students about the Dark Forests and the 3rd floor of the Hogwarts School. Mr. Filch was the caretaker of the Hogwarts School. The password for going inside the dormitories of Gryffindor was ‘Caput Draconis’. Madam Hooch gave them training about how to fly with the help of a broomstick. James Potter was also a great seeker. So, Professor McGonagall made Harry Potter the seeker of Gryffindor Team and also gifted him a new broomstick of ‘Nimbus’ Company. In the game of Quidditch, there were 7 players (3 Chasers, 2 Beaters, 1 Keeper). For each goal scored, the team used to get 10 points. The seekers of both the teams had to fight out for grabbing that Golden Snitch. For seeking the Golden Snitch, a team used to get 150 points. 

In that Quidditch match, everyone thought that the Professor Snape was trying to kill Harry Potter. That’s why; Hermione uttered ‘Lacurnum Inflamare’ to lit up fire on his uniform. What was real identity of Professor Quirrell? Had Ron not uttered ‘Wingardium Laviosa’ at the right time, the Troll could have killed three of them. Nicholas Flamel created one precious stone long time back. Hagrid liked that Norwegian Ridgeback, but, that little dragon was sent to Romania as per the orders of Dumbledore. It was Christmas time; Harry Potter got his father’s cloak as the Christmas Gift. Firenze saved Mr.Potter from that black colored creature. Unicorn’s blood gave Lord Voldemort only half life. Long time back, Lord Voldemort got involved with the dark wizardry world and started killing everyone, but, only the little child survived his attack with a scar on its head. 

The Mirror of Desire also acted as a lie-detector. The spirited parasite of the Professor Quirrell’s body wanted that precious stone from Harry. The Sorcerer’s stone had its own power to destroy the evil forces. After completion of that academic year, Slytherin House was leading, but, Albus considered the recent incidents and gave individual points to Harry, Ron and Hermione. Points of Gryffindor and Slytherin were tied, but, for showing good friendship, Neville Longbottom got extra 10 points for Gryffindor. Gryffindor lifted the House Cup for that academic year. Hagrid gave a special photo album to Harry, where Mr. Potter could see his parents holding a little baby.  Before Lord Voldemort comes back again in a different form to kill Harry Potter in the next sequels, it’s better that you watch the 1st movie based on J K Rowling’s Harry Potter which is, “HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER’S STONE.”

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