Tuesday, April 10, 2012


She had her first dating when she was 18 years old. Everything got changed after the Pearl Harbor. Time passed on. She had an affair with the Hollywood star. After some time, to get rid of something, she joined the Art History Department of the Wellesley College to make a change in the life of people. The new academic year began.  The students were very studious. They had the tendency to complete reading all the text books and then frustrating the teacher in the classroom by answering all the answers of the questions with detailed descriptions. 

Katherine now came up with the paintings which were out of the syllabus to let the students think out of the box. What is an art? Who decides whether an art is good or bad? Perceptions of humans vary from one to the other. The art which you like the most; maybe, completely hated by the other person. But, there are many paintings in this world which got no recognition when they were created but only after 200 or 300 years down the line, when humans started doing research on paintings and its ancient, unique sophistication.

Amanda Armstrong got thrown out of the campus because as a college nurse, she used to supply contraceptives to the hostel girls. Amanda was feeling very lonely in the campus after the death of her companion who served that college for 30 years. Bill always used to sleep with his students. He knew Italian and used to teach in an Army Institute, but, everyone assumed him to be an ex-soldier. Bill also never tried to tell them the truth.  Betty was under pressure from her mom to get married to Spencer.

When a college student gets married and misses several classes, a teacher generally starts ignoring that student. So, Betty faced some uncomfortable situations. Joan loved Tommy. Joan always wanted to join a Law College to become a Lawyer. So, she applied for it. The President Carr of the College was unhappy with Miss Watson as she was not abiding by the traditional rules and regulations of the college to teach her students. Connie fell in love with Charlie. Betty was feeling jealous of her classmates.

Giselle was after Dunbar. Bill got stunned to meet the fiancĂ© of Miss Watson. How can Paul come back after three months to get her engaged with him with the help of a ring? Katherine broke up with Paul on that very night only. Betty poisoned the ears of Connie about Charlie. After the miscommunications, Connie went to his dormitory to apologize. Katherine made a deal of love relationship with Bill that he couldn’t sleep again with any of his students. Giselle became a harlot. Betty was unhappy with Spencer as he never used to sleep with her.

The newspaper article clearly stated that a girl takes birth in this world to fill up the roles. A woman should get married first and then study rather than coming out as a successful graduate and then going for marriage. Miss Watson tried to convince Joan that she can handle her own family by becoming a lawyer also. Tommy had no problem if Joan goes to Philadelphia to study Law, but, Joan gave more priority to her new family. Giselle was enjoying with all types of men but Betty was not. Everyone understood the mental outbursts of Betty.

After the annual review of Katherine, the College Authority sent a strict instruction to her. If you are in a system, you have to follow the rules and regulations of the system. The teacher was told not to make friendship with her colleagues and students in that college. If she agrees to sign the conditions that she will not teach any topic outside the prescribed syllabus of the college and don’t provide counseling to the students without the prior permission of the College Authority, then only she can continue as a teacher in the Wellesley College.

When you decide to change yourself for the sake of remaining inside the system to earn your bread and butter, then, probably, you are telling a big lie to your soul that you are happy with your life. When you quit from something without going for the compromise, the world label you as a quitter, but, they cannot measure the depth of the smile within your heart. Betty went for the divorce and decided to spend some time with Giselle at Greenwich Village. Pablo Picasso also failed to answer the question, ‘How can that “MONALISA SMILE”?’

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