Saturday, April 28, 2012


If telling a lie can bring happiness and smile for everybody, then it is far better than saying the brutal truth. Wow! Is this theory written in Bhagwad Gita? Are you a die-hard devotee of Lord Sri Krishna? In this modern era, a lawyer, a politician and a salesman can never survive in their own respective professions unless they master the art of telling lies to do the brainwashing of people. Fletcher and Audrey divorced each other few years back. They had a son, Max. Audrey always used to have some temporary boyfriends with semi-serious relationships to do the time-pass as Fletcher had already divorced her. But, Fletcher always used to love his son, Max. Very often, Fletcher used to come to meet Max. Max was very fond of those funny claws of his dad. Mr.Reede was always jealous of his wife’s temporary boyfriend, Jerry. 

Samantha Cole wanted a divorce as she was too fond of adultery and her hubby caught her red-handed for quite a few times. Miranda was looking out for a lawyer who can convince anything to anyone by telling lies. Fletcher brainwashed Mrs. Cole in such a fashion that she felt herself being a victim and decided to fight the divorce case more aggressively. Miranda was impressed with Mr.Reede and requested him to go for a sexual partnership on that sleazy midnight. Promises are made to be broken. Max was waiting for his dad in his birthday, but, his dad was enjoying with a slut on that night. Fletcher told a lie to Audrey that he had an emergency job to complete. The author of the ‘Daffodils’ rightly said that a child is the father of a man. Does God listen to children’s wishes?

On that birthday night, after blowing off those candle lights, he made a wish that his dad could not speak a single lie for one day. Next day, it was a day of disaster for that liar. He was unable to speak or write a single lie. If the pen was of blue color, then he was unable to utter the word, Red. Greta, the secretary of Fletcher utilized the opportunity to ask the question why her salary was not raised. Fletcher told her the brutal truth. Greta resigned from her job. To hide a lie, you tell several lies, but, still everything remains manageable as in this adult world, you cannot survive without telling lies. But, when you cannot utter a single lie at any cost for one day, then you have to be ready to get some lovely kicks at your back from the people to whom you have always lied.

The divorce case started inside the court. Fletcher was so truthful that he was just about to lose that case. When you start speaking the brutal truths, you become a fearless creature and you start feeling as if you have removed a block of stone from your heart. Fletcher realized how much his son loved him. Was Fletcher a bad father? If it was so, then why was he so concerned when Audrey decided to get married to Jerry and settle down in Boston? As the case of Mr. Cole and Mrs. Cole proceeded further, Mr.Reede found some flaws in the date of birth of Samantha. Samantha got married when she was a minor by increasing her own age by 1 year in the marriage certificate. Fletcher won the divorce case for his client and Samantha got half the property share of Mr. Cole.

Later, as a truthful lawyer, he realized that he manipulated the case to let his client win that divorce case. The lawyer requested the Judge to rollback his decision on the case which was almost impossible. As the rules of Contempt of Court, Mr.Reede got convicted. Oh! Greta came back to bail out her boss. Fletcher decided to open his own law firm by keeping Greta as his secretary. But before that, Fletcher needed to stop that plane. Audrey always used to pretend that she disliked her ex-hubby, but, still, she loved Fletcher. Max saw his dad outside the window of that plane. The plane stopped. Jerry read the heart of Audrey and decided to go to Boston without taking her and Max. After 1 year, on the birthday night of Max, why Fletcher and Audrey started kissing each other?  Again, Max made a birthday wish. This time, he wanted a reunion of his mom and dad. To have a detailed idea about a funny situation where you have to become a truthful person like Raja Harishchandra or Yudisthira of modern era, you must watch the Hollywood comedy movie, “LIAR LIAR”.

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